The Central Election Commission adopted rules of providing information obtained through video monitoring.

As ForUm correspondent reports, the decision was taken on October 27, at the regular meeting of the CEC.

In particular, the video materials will be available immediately after the signing of the protocols of precinct election commissions, taking into account the technical capabilities of the CEC.
The video will be provided within two working days upon the request.

If a request covers a large number of polling stations and different periods of time, the term of video provision can take up to 20 days. As the CEC member Mykhailo Okhendovsky explained ForUm, journalists won’t be provided with video materials. "This is not provided for by law," he said.

"The law provides for such information (videos - Ed.) may be granted to the law enforcement agencies following the court’s ruling, to political parties - the subjects of the electoral process and the MP candidates. That is, the law establishes a comprehensive range of persons who may gain access to the materials obtained through video monitoring," Okhendovsky said.


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