The date of the EU-Ukraine summit is unknown, the Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Voloshyn told a briefing, ForUm correspondent reports.

"Its holding provides for the current agreement on partnership and cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. The summit should be an annual event, the exact date will depend on formation of authorities following the parliamentary elections. Summit is not just the meeting of the President with the EU representatives, but also a great dialogue between all the  institutions," he said.
Voloshyn said that for Ukraine is more important not the fact of the summit, but its content, in particular the signing of the Association Agreement, including FTA.

In addition, the diplomat said that Christmas holidays start in Europe in mid-December. "If we manage before this period (to hold the summit. - Ed.) it will be good, but if not - it is a purely technical matter, from which no one will make the tragedy," Voloshyn summed up.


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