Inspectors of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine will check the entrepreneurs rarely, head of the Service, chief medical officer Anatoly Ponomarenko told a press conference, ForUm correspondent reports.

"According to the decision of the Cabinet of 9/19/12, the scheduled inspections of enterprises and economic activities will be reduced. The entities with a high degree of danger will be inspected once a year, those with the medium degree - once every three years, low degree- once every five years," he said.

According to officials, this approach will at least halve the number of inspections and increase their effectiveness.

According to the head of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, thus the SES activity is shifting from surveillance function to monitoring and health education function.

In addition, Ponomarenko said that the SES will propose to increase penalties for violators.

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