Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych believes that the effective operation of the competent international observers for the parliamentary election in our state will give unbiased objective assessment to the course of the election campaign and the vote results.

"We believe that participation of the international election observation mission will be useful for Ukraine, and it will not be biased," he said during the meeting with Austrian Federal President Heinz Fischer in New York. Yanukovych added that authorities will make every effort for the law on parliamentary election "to be hundred percent obeyed".

Yanukovych also expressed confidence that the conclusions of the observers will open a new stage of development of relations between Ukraine and the EU, will help accelerate the process of European integration. "It is very important that after the election we start the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union," he said.

The President reminded that Ukraine continues reforming national economy and adapting national legislation to the European norms and standards.


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