Prime Minister Mykola Azarov considers that Russia conducts dual policy concerning Ukraine: on the one hand - talks about the development of cooperation and offers interesting projects, on the other – presses Ukraine with high gas prices.

"We have been strangled with high gas prices for 2.5 years ... Those five billion dollars, we annually pay, outrage me. I could do so many useful things for the country (for that money)," Azarov said at the YES 9th annual meeting.

According to him, the same amount was spent to prepare Ukraine for Euro 2012.

During discussion, former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma asked Azarov: "Maybe you should stop going to Russia with your hat in hand?" "Where have you seen President Yanukovych and Prime Minister Azarov with their hats in hands?"  Azarov replied. Kuchma also expressed the opinion that high Russian gas price has forced the Ukrainian businessmen "not to consume gas," but think of high technology and develop the industry.

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