There should not be delays in payment of salaries and appropriate premiums to teachers, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said, ForUm correspondent reports.

"I have several messages on my Facebook page that in some regions teachers are not paid premiums for checking notebooks, a 20 percent premium, etc. For example, such signals come from Kharkiv region," Azarov said.

According to him, teachers complain that they are made take unpaid leave, few days in a month, to save school funds.

"I urged the education and science, youth and sports minister to take personal control and together with the finance minister and the heads of the local state administrations to fundamentally examine the signals.

"At the next Cabinet meeting, Mr. Tabachnyk, I require to report on the results of this examination. I draw the attention of the education and science, youth and sports minister, the heads of the local administrations: There should not be delays in payment of salaries and premiums to teachers in any case," Azarov said to the education minister Dmytro Tabachnyk.

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