Western non-governmental organizations are trying to draw Ukraine into their orbit, head of the Federal Agency department in Ukraine Konstantin Vorobyov said at the department’s meeting.

We need to see how our "colleagues" from other countries work in Ukraine. All western information and cultural centers that exist in Ukraine provide the unity of government humanitarian policy, which aims to involve Ukraine in the EU orbit, the USA and their partners," Vorobyov said.

In his view, the western centers are trying to create a new civil society "under unknown for many Ukrainians the European standards that provoke opposition within society."

According to Vorobyov, for this reason, extensive and well-funded projects and programs are implemented in Ukraine, including festivals, contests, concerts and completely new things.

Vorobyov declared the main focus of the Poles is the Ukrainian youth and the training of loyal staff and future leaders to develop the closest relations with Poland.

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