By the end of 2012, the salaries of teachers will be increased twice, minister of education and science, youth and sports Dmytro Tabachnyk told a conference of teachers.

"Starting from 2010, the country has increased children institutions by 651 with the President’s support and at the initiative of teachers. In the first half of this year, 199 institutions were reopened. As a result, it helped to create 171.5 new places in kindergartens," Tabachnyk said, the press service of the Education Ministry reported.

According to the minister, 2.5 thousand school institutions were built and repaired in 2012.

Tabachnyk also noted that during the last two years, revolutionary steps were made to create new national standards for elementary, secondary and high schools. In particular, it concerns the study of a foreign language.

In addition, the minister informed about the changes in the social protection of teachers: "The salary of teachers will be increased twice this year - from September 1 and November 1. Certainly, we would like to have more changes, but we have to rely on the real state of the economy."

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