Deputy chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Ihor Sorkin commented on the state of banking system of Ukraine following its work in the first half of 2012, ForUm learned from the NBU official website.

According to him, there have been positive developments during this period. "Economy lending increased by 11 billion UAH, which testifies to the fact that, despite the difficult conditions in the global financial markets, the banks continue backing the economy and increasing the GDP of the state. With regard to loans to individuals, there is a positive upward trend in lending in national currency, an increase by 8 billion UAH. Accordingly, there is decrease in foreign currency loans, originated by the banking system before," Sorkin said.

According to the official, there is also a positive trend in the private deposits segment. This shows people’s confidence in the banking system and the national currency.

"Since the beginning of the year, the amount of funds in the private accounts has increased by almost 40 billion UAH, 23 billion of them are in national currency. This is a very good trend and we should do everything to strengthen it," he said.

In addition, the deputy chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine noted the decrease in the volume of overdue loans in the banking system by 2 billion UAH.

"After the six months of 2012, the banking system had a profit of 2.2 billion UAH. I think this is a positive result. If you compare it with the outcome of the last year, when the banking system had a loss of 7 billion UAH, 2.2 billion UAH in the first half of 2012 is a certain achievement. The most important thing, in my opinion, is the increase in the share capital, being an indicator of the relations between the banking system and the bank shareholders. Today we can say that since the beginning of the year, the bank's authorized capital has increased by nearly 7 billion UAH. This indicates that the shareholders are going to develop their own banks and to invest in the banking system of Ukraine," Sorkin said.

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