Healthcare reforms should ensure not only the increase in quality of care, but the improving of the living standards of health workers as well, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said during the meeting with journalists in Sevastopil, ForUm learned from the President’s press office.

Yanukovych reminded that recently, the salaries of health workers have been raised, and by the end of the year they will grow by almost 30%.

According to the President, some regions have already introduced a salary accounting system, according to which the size of salary depends on the quality and quantity of services provided.

In addition, Yanukovych said that there is a need for moving to medical insurance, which in turn will accelerate the reform and provide health care workers with decent salary.

"We will develop a system under which every employee will receive the modern medical care ... The people of retirement age and the poor will benefit from the budgetary support receiving medical care of the same quality," the President said.

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