Free trade area within the Commonwealth of Independent States will improve Ukraine's balance of payments, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said during the meeting with the top Ukrainian economic experts, ForUm learned from the Cabinet’s press office.

"We believe that after the ratification of the FTA agreement within the CIS countries, some restrictions on the delivery of our pipes, particularly in Russia, will be lifted and this will allow us to improve the balance of payments," Azarov.

In addition, he once again reminded that the domestic balance of payments deficit is caused primarily by the high price for Russian gas.

In turn, PhD in Economics, Oleksandr Sharov said that the FTA within the CIS is a good opportunity for domestic businesses to show their real capabilities.

"The introduction of the FTA within the CIS is a real opportunity for our businesses to show their competitiveness," the expert said.

During the meeting, the leading economists also attempted to find mechanisms to counteract the influence of the negative trends of global economic on the Ukrainian economy.

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