Ukraine has a problem with the issuance of national passport, the Interior Ministry confirmed in the newspaper Today.

"Now all documents including blank passports are sent to the State Migration Service. This is a separate state institution, which will deal with these issues. The problem will be solved within two days," speaker of the Ministry Volodymyr Polishchuk said.

According to the Interior Ministry, the passports are issued without delay in 16 regions, but there are still some problems in other regions. The State Migration Service assures that the refusal to accept application documents by passport officers is not authorized.  "The fact that a citizen was denied the application is a violation of the law, and we will find out why it happened. Probably, housing departments just do not want to have much work. There is no deficit of blanks, they are simply being transferred these days. Passports will be issued throughout the country in the coming days," first deputy of the Passport Department Tatyana Nikitina said.

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