According to the social studies, 76% Ukrainian teenagers claimed to consume alcohol during the last year, the director of the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research Tatyana Bondar said during a press conference on the topic: "How to beat the epidemic of drug addiction and alcoholism among young people?" ForUm correspondent reports.

"Girls do not lag behind guys. Among the respondents, 77% boys and 74% Ukrainian girls, who claimed to consume alcohol," she said.

Bondar stressed that guys mostly drink beer, and girls - soft drinks.

The sociologist also noted that young people consider alcohol and drugs to be readily available. "44% pupils say that it is very easy to get cigarettes, 73% say that they can easily get alcohol, and 14% believe drugs to be readily available," she added.

Bondar said that 11% respondents claimed they can easily get marijuana and hashish, 5% - amphetamines and tranquilizers and 6% - ecstasy.

In turn, head of the department of psychiatry and general medical psychology of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy Iryna Spirina said that in Ukraine, according to the official statistics, there are 290 thousand drug-addicted people including 100 thousand registered in the out-patient departments for drug addicts.

However, she stressed that medical statistics does not always reflect the real situation, and many addicts are out of sight. "According to the World Health Organization, the society undergoes degradation, if more than 7-8% individuals use drugs among the population," Spirina summed up.

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