The leading Ukrainian banks are ready to create a national system of electronic payments, the president of PrivatBank Oleksandr Dubilet said in his interview with the Evening Kyiv newspaper.

In his opinion, if the tariff policy of the leading international payment systems will continue to ignore the interests of Ukrainian banks, it will push the banks to develop the national payment system. Taking into account the accumulated experience of banks and the use of advanced technologies, this system will become more effective than the existing national system of mass electronic payments (NSMEP).

According to Dubilet, before establishing a national payment system it is important to consider the mistakes of NSMEP and to avoid indigested expenses of state funds.

"If the National Bank instructs us, as a leading player in the market of card payments, to create with our colleagues the national payment system based on a business initiative without the use of state funds, we will be happy to take part in this work. The previous work with NSMEP was not transparent, productive and efficient in cost perspective," he said.

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