The Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to enhance the cooperation with NATO, the defense minister of Ukraine Dmytro Salamatin said during the meeting with the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Richard Shirreff.

As ForUm learned from the Defense Ministry press office, during the meeting the parties discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO, the ways to improve collaboration and enhance the operational capabilities of the Ukrainian army.

Salamatin said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are open for cooperation with countries of the Alliance in many fields. "For us, the experience of the Alliance is a valuable asset. The better we study it, the more effective we will act as the part of multinational units in joint missions and operations," he said.

The Minister stressed that to date the officials have considerably intensified the work to bring the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the conformity with the standards of the armies of the leading countries of the world.

In turn, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe declared his determination to provide assistance and support for the Ukrainian troops in the way of reforms.

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