Next week the deputy chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Halyna Hereha will appeal to the Parliament on calling the elections of Kyiv Mayor, she said at the press conference, as ForUm reports.

"Under the law I have to appeal to the Parliament during two weeks. I will not waffle and take two to three days to prepare this appeal next week. We will send it to the Verkhovna Rada to determine the date of the mayor elections at the first plenary meeting in September," she said.

In her opinion, it makes sense to combine the elections of the mayor with the parliamentary elections. However, she stressed that this decision will depend entirely on the Parliament.

In addition, Hereha said that she will not run for mayor of Kyiv and will decide on her participation in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada next month.

According to Hereha, the mayor's resignation will not influence the city council work.

"The Kyiv city council will work in the same way as did it before," she said.

The city council secretary recalled that she has been preparing and chairing all plenary sessions on behalf of mayor Leonid Chernovetsky for more than a year. "This is not a new kind of work for me," she summed up.

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