For the last ten years the number of female teenagers from 10 to 14 years old has reduced by 23% and makes less than one million of the total population of the country, official of the Health Ministry's department on motherhood and childhood Valentyna Kolomeychuk told a press conference, ForUm correspondent reports.

"We must remember that female teens are the reproductive reserve of any country, but at the same time, the sick rate is the biggest at this very age," the official noted.

Citing the results of the public survey, Kolomeychuk informed that 70% of the 15-19 years old respondents admit they practice unprotected sex, while 9.1% of the girls admit they have two and more sex partners during a year.

The official also informed that overall health of Ukrainians have deteriorated for the last five years. 'The sick rate among male population has increased by 4%, and among female population - by 15%," Kolomeychuk specified.

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