Commenting on the adoption of the national language policy law in the second reading, the leader of the Party of Regions faction Oleksandr Yefremov said that the new language law provides an opportunity for all the national minorities of Ukraine to feel confident about their future, ForUm learned from the Party of Regions press office.

The MP added that the issue of introducing a second state language should be discussed with the citizens of Ukraine first. "It seems to me the law we have adopted today, solves all the language problems in our state. It complies with the European standards, confirms that the official language is Ukrainian and at the same time provides an opportunity for all the national minorities living in Ukraine to feel confident about their future," Yefremov said.

In addition, he reminded that the Party of Regions faction had warned their opponents that it would insist on the consideration of the bill in the session hall. "The voting showed the attitude of the MPs to the language issue. The overwhelming majority of MPs supported the law, so there is no reason to say that it was passed illegitimately," he stressed.

"Our colleagues in the Parliament tried to swank, having submitted a huge number of amendments to the language bill that, in fact, were aimed at the elimination of the law itself," the politician said.

Commenting on statements of the opposition saying if they come to power, they will abolish the law on language policy, Yefremov called them unhelpful and unpromising. "You cannot take away from people their future in the state. We must understand that our state is multinational, so we must create favorable conditions for the life of every citizen," the leader of the Party of Regions said.

Yefremov also called politically illiterate the statements of the opposition they will not participate in the Parliament session. "If they have nothing to say and they do not have their point of view, they can just run away and hide. But if they have their point of view, they must express and defend it," he concluded.

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