In the building of the Kharkiv region Court of Appeal, the Kyiv district court of Kharkiv continued to consider the case of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko on the violations in the UESU (United Energy Systems of Ukraine) corporation activity.
The presiding judge Kostyantyn Sadovski announced the beginning of the hearing.
Tymoshenko was not delivered to the court due to illness.
In the courtroom there are several representatives of the European Parliament, including Pat Cox and Alexander Kwasniewski.
In addition, the isolated armored glass room for the convict is equipped with two tables, chairs, two chests, a microphone, fresh flowers and pictures, a plasma screen, which broadcasts the video from the courtroom surveillance cameras.
There are no sofas or couches in a glass room. The Tymoshenko's lawyer, MP Andriy Kozhemyakin said that the defense of the former Prime Minister is to make a request with the requirement to explain the reason for the establishment of this box in the courtroom.

On April 19, during a preliminary consideration of the case, the public prosecutors on the case of Tymoshenko indicted the former Prime Minister on three charges: stealing of the budgetary funds and attempt to steal budgetary funds in the amount of 25 million UAH; tax evasion of the UESU corporation in the amount of 4 million UAH; the use of the foreign company payment card account in the amount of 1 million USD to pay expensive hotels and restaurants without paying the taxes from this amount.

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