The sportsmen and the fans have appreciated the high level of the Ukraine's preparation for Euro- 2012 Football Championship, the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov told a briefing, ForUm correspondent reports.

"They appreciated the frankness and sociability of the Ukrainians, the Ukrainian hospitality and even the low cost of living compared with the Western Europe," he said.

Moreover, Azarov noted that the foreign fans themselves refute the information that it is dangerous to stay in Ukraine, as previously the Western media said. "Hundreds of foreign visitors have publicly expressed their disappointment they were misinformed and expressed their admiration for everything seen here. The personal acquaintance with Ukraine dispelled all the myths," the Prime Minister said.

In addition, he mentioned that Ukraine is a democratic and free country and that foreigners can see that by their own eyes, arriving in Ukraine. "People just should have desire to evaluate the Ukrainian realities, based on their observations, not on the slander of our political opposition members. They tried their best to thwart our victory, but they failed to," Azarov summed up.

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