The season of activity of the poisonous spiders and snakes begins in Ukraine, the zoologist of the Kyiv Zoo sector "aquaterrarium" Oksana Moroz told a press conference, ForUm correspondent reports.

According to the specialist, there are the following venomous snakes found in Ukraine: viper, steppe viper and grass snake; among spiders - karakurts, tarantulas and black widow spiders.

The peak of the spider activity begins from the second half of June, and of snakes - from July. "This year the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has recorded 10 bites of spiders and snakes, but this is only the beginning" the expert said.

People need to wear clothes made of tightly fabric to protect themselves from the bites, and take a stick to probe the ground, as Moroz said. The zoologist mentioned that as a rule viper tries to avoid meeting with the men.

According to Moroz, if you are bitten by a snake, you should immediately consult a doctor. By that time, it is recommended to immobilize the bitten limb and put a splint on it. She also noted that if possible one need to put the victim into the shade and apply ice to the bitten spot.

As a reminder, on May 3, the first cases of snake bites were registered in the Carpathian.

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