The unfavorable for Ukraine gas contracts with Russia signed by the ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko are an own goal for Ukraine, the vice prime minister and the social policy minister of Ukraine Serhiy Tihipko told journalists in Mykolaiv, upon visiting the Zorya –Mashproekt enterprise, ForUm learned from Tihipko’s spokesman.

According to the vice prime minister, it is necessary to strive for reconsidering the gas contracts, though it will not be easy.

"I'm not sure that the Russian partners will easily agree on reconsideration. They were given too good present. Speaking the football language, it's an own goal for Ukraine," Tihipko said.

The vice prime minister stressed that Ukraine needs introducing the energy-saving program to lead the economy out of the difficult situation as a result of unfavorable gas contracts signing.

"The main emphasis should be laid on the energy efficiency and renewable energy programs," the official said.

Earlier, Tihipko said that the gas contracts had been signed by Tymoshenko deprived Ukrainian pensioners of 400 hryvnia extra charge to their pensions.

Kyiv and Moscow are negotiating on the reconsideration of these contacts to reduce the price of Russian gas. So far the parties have failed to achieve any results.

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