A group of German fans from city of Überlingen made an unexpected gift to the Ukrainian Children's Center for Clinical Toxicology. The supporters of the German team gathered 4000 euros in their city and gave the sum to the medical institution.

"We know that the hospital lacks money to buy specific equipment. Children are suffering in the whole world, the country we live in and here, in Ukraine, also. We would like to help children who have not so much as ours have. Every euro, every hryvnia will do good," the representative of the fans said.

For this money the Center plans to purchase consumables, as well as pulse oximeters, devices for measuring hemoglobin. "This equipment will allow us to fill a gap in our capabilities when we have to help the children affected by the fire or having inhaled poisons," the head of the medical institution Borys Sheiman said.

The Children's Center for Clinical Toxicology was reopened in 2010, after a thorough renovation. Every year it helps five hundred young patients with complicated cases.

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