Society stereotypes impede women to prove themselves in politics, former Federal Minister for Health and Women in Austria Maria Rauch-Kallat told a roundtable "Women in Parliamentary elections 2012", ForUm correspondent reports.

"It is believed that a man of politics is a hero, while a woman is asked whether she has a permission of her husband to do politics. Many talented women simply surrendered at the initial stage," the official said.

According to Maria Rauch-Kallat, democracy success and economic growth of any country depends on women's participation in the process of taking important state decisions.  "I would advise Ukrainians political leaders to give every second place in a party list to a woman and inform the voters about this decision. You'll have a good chance to obtain excellent results at the elections," she said.

The official also reminded that women are the majority of the world's population. "Democracy is the power of a majority, but many women have not realized yet that they are the majority," Mrs Rauch-Kallat summed up.

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