Ensuring the development of the real economy is a priority of the government in Ukraine, President Viktor Yanukovych said while at PJSC Crimean TITAN.

"One of the primary tasks is to develop the real economy, which will improve the quality of life and boost the development of our country," he said, ForUm learned from the presidential press office.

President Yanukovych also stressed the importance of Ukraine increasing the production and exports of high added value goods to be competitive at modern foreign markets.

Another important task is to improve the investment climate in Ukraine, the President said. "The investment potential of Ukraine is huge. It is important that we created the right conditions for investors and won their trust that we are a civilized country profitable to invest into and guaranteeing the protection of property rights, investments, and their return," he said.

The government in Ukraine launched large-scale reforms in the state to achieve just that goal, he said.

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