Ukrainian nation shows high level of ageing, Health Ministry reports. Experts of the department notes that for today Ukrainians over 60 make 20% of the total population of the country, and the highest level of ageing is determined among rural population, namely women (over 30%).

The peculiarity of the evolution of the population age structure in Ukraine is that under the condition of high death rate of adult population its pyramid ages only from "bottom" - due to low birth rate, opposite to Western counties, where population ages from "top", due to reduction of death rate.

Experts note that rapid social and economic developments in Ukraine could not but affect the level of reproductive activity. Lowering of the birth rate and one-child families now characterize the demographic process in the country. On one hand such changes in population behaviour are determined by external economic conditions, which characterize social status of a woman in the society, level of education, occupation, income and social protection, and on the other hand - by the satisfaction degree of personal needs and interests, the Health Ministry says.

Low birth rate is the problem of all European countries face, and Ukraine is not an exception. But in Ukraine this problem is aggravated by health deterioration and high death rate, experts point out.

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