To maintain stability of economy in Ukraine it is needed, first of all, to develop the inner market, prime minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov told a meeting with scientists of the National Academy of Science, ForUm correspondent reports.

According to Azarov, standard ways and methods to overcome the crisis are well-known: reduction of budget expenses, increase of taxes and cutting of social programs.

"These methods are being carried out in Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. But such standard approaches do not give any results, but social tension. Spain, for example, decided to increase the number of working hours, but to freeze salaries. Is it normal? Britain has cut pensions and at the same time increased pension tax and pension age. But debts still keep rising in these countries," Azarov said.

"For us the priority is inner market and improvement of investment climate. Now we are working at revival of construction. However, debts, high gas price and inaccessibility of external financial resources remain among the major risks for the economy," Azarov pointed out.

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