A decision on further existence of the State tax police department will be made on basis of analysis of its activity, President's aid on judicial system Andriy Portnov said, ForUm learned from the presidential press office.

"After the decriminalization of three articles of the Criminal Code on economic crimes, and in case of cancellation of alternative investigative jurisdiction, the tax police department will have only six articles to operate with. Hence, the expedience of existence of such department is now being studied basing on statistics information," he said.

Portnov also noted that due to full cancellation of criminal responsibility for smuggling, Ukrainian customs houses make up protocols at the amount of up to one million hryvnias daily.

"According to the new law, courts have only one way: to include all confiscated goods into the state budget plus 100% of fine. For the last year, when smuggling was a criminal article, 100% of revealed smuggling brought 0 hryvnias in the budget," Portnov said.

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