The Security Service of Ukraine warns citizens not to fall under the fraud schemes, being distributed through Internet lately, ForUm learned from the press office of the Service.

According to the information of the department, offenders are distributing a program-extorter Access Download Manager of Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Digitala family, which blocks the operating system and urges its user to transfer money to restart the work of the computer.

"When the virus is activated an alarm pumps up on the screen informing about violation of license conditions. The alarm window also gives the number of an electronic account (163246308975) and urges to transfer means at the amount of two thousand hryvnias and more," the press office reported and added that "offenders are using official logos of the Security Service to make it look like the Service itself is blocking the system."

Considerable number of citizens has already appealed to the Security Service complaining about blocking of the operating system and extorting money for repeated connection. 

The Security Service of Ukraine is taking measures to track the offenders and asks the citizens to be careful and to upgrade anti-virus software regularly.

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