Majority of the police officers do not have sufficient salaries for normal living, Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko told an extended meeting of the Ministry board, ForUm correspondent reports.

The Minister informed that according to anonymous survey the social welfare of law enforcement officials leaves much to be desired.

"Eight out of ten respondents say their salaries are not enough to meet minimal needs. The third part of police officials complain about improper housing conditions," Zakharchenko said.

The Minister also informed that about 25 thousand families of police officials are on file waiting for apartments, and due to social troubles every forth officer is ready to resign. The Ministry needs 2.2 billion hyvnias for construction of housing for police officials, but last year the government did not allocate a penny, Zakharchenko added.

At the same time the Minister declared that according to the survey 60% of police staff does not lose hope for improvement. In this connection Zakharchenko informed that from February 1 minimal salary for police officials will be increased from 1450 to 1600 hryvnias.

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