The EU is determined to complete negotiations on Association agreement with Ukraine, including creation of free trade are, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso said in a statement, ForUm learned from the press office of the Council of the European Union.

“EU-Ukraine relations are at a crucial juncture. This Summit can give a decisive impetus to the common goal of furthering political association and economic integration. This is the European Union's stated objective and we are determined to reach it through the conclusion of negotiations on the Association Agreement, including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area. At the same time the Ukrainian authorities need to demonstrate they abide by the values that are at the heart of this Association: democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights and independence of judiciary. Linked to the progress we are making on mobility issues, we believe that important opportunities lie ahead for all Ukrainians and for the EU-Ukraine relations,” Barroso said.

President Van Rompuy added in his comment that Summit will focus on four main issues, the political situation, economic relations, mobility issues and regional and international relations.

"The main goal of the summit is to take stock of progress, identify issues where there is more work to be done, and to endorse our priorities for the next year. The summit will allow us to take a look at the final stretch of the negotiations of the Association Agreement. We will set our priorities for further work. And it will be a place for open and critical discussions where we will also raise our concerns on a number of current challenges facing Ukraine and the EU," Van Rompuy summed up.

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