Ukrainian police needs to be modernized to the best European standards and this is one of the most important tasks of the reforms program in our state, President Viktor Yanukovych said at today’s celebration of Police Day, ForUm learend from the presidential press office.

"The strategic goal of the reform is gradual transformation of the Ministry of Interior Affairs into a law enforcement agency of European standard, which protects the rights, honor, dignity, and interests of citizens and the state," he said. The President added that it also means strengthening the preventive work of law enforcement agencies, especially in the area of combating child and youth crime.

Viktor Yanukovych drew attention to the importance of preparing decent staff for police service. "Lawful and professional behavior should be encouraged," he said.

One of the priorities of police, he said, should be the investigation of crimes against persons. "The burden of this work relies on the criminal investigation unit. Therefore, the status of their employees should be increased," he said.

The President also noted the need for a qualitatively new approach to the organization of pre-trial investigation and actual procedural independence of investigators.

"I am convinced that improving staffing policy and strengthening the control will lead to qualitative changes for the better," Viktor Yanukovych stressed.

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