National projects implementation allows the state to build productive cooperation with investors by the public-private partnership mechanism, President Viktor Yanukovych said at today’s International Conference “Investconference in Kyiv 2011.”
"The combination of state assets with the investment, management, and other resources of the private sector will improve the efficiency of the implementation of national projects, and allows using the potential available to society," said Viktor Yanukovych, ForUm learned from the presidential press office.

He stressed that the necessary legal basis for partnership between the government and business in Ukraine has already been created: the Law On Public-private Partnership was adopted that established several important principles, also common to the EU. Also, the Government has already adopted the regulations necessary to implement this Law.

The President stressed that during the implementation of national projects state support instruments are widely applied. "However, we certainly also expect the attention of foreign investors to them," he added.

To that end, said Viktor Yanukovych, in recent weeks, presentations of national projects realized in Ukraine have been held in 11 international financial centers of Europe, America and the Middle East.

Ukraine is ready to apply the experience of countries with a long tradition of public-private partnership, including the U.S., France, Great Britain and Germany.
"Any investor understands that if his partner is a state, then, of course, there is additional confidence in the stability and success of common projects," said Viktor Yanukovych.

According to the President, the real sector of the economy is already working to implement some of these projects, particularly in such areas as transport infrastructure development, liquefied natural gas processing, alternative energy sources, affordable housing construction, animal husbandry, grain production development, etc.

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