About 80% of Ukrainians consider it unacceptable to have same sex relationships, the results of the public poll 'Moral milestones of Ukrainians', conducted by Institute of Gorshenin, say.

According to the survey, among moral norms Ukrainians condemn most of all sexual relations between people of same sex - 78.1%. 55.4% of respondents consider infidelity unacceptable under no conditions. 35.4% of respondents disapprove abortion, while 64.6% believe it is acceptable.
The survey revealed that for the majority of Ukrainians the family is the major bearer of moral values - 83.2%. The third of respondents - 37.2% - stand for church, and 27% for school and other education institution. Among other bearers of moral values 24.8% pointed to the literature, 22.6% to the cinema and 21.3% to the state.

Among violations of behavior norms Ukrainians mostly condemn rudeness and swearing - 64.5%.

Phone survey 'Moral milestones of Ukrainians' was held October 28-30, 2011. The institute of Gorshenin questioned one thousand respondents over 18 years old from all regional centers of Ukraine, Kyiv and Sevastopol.

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