BYuT faction has unblocked the parliament and left the session hall as a protest against the majority, which refused to decriminalize the article BYuT leader Yulia Tymoshenko was charged on, ForUm correspondent reported.

BYuT member Andriy Shkil told ForUm that his faction is now collecting signatures in favor of dismissal of the parliament. "The current parliament does not carry out its functions," he said.

The BYuT faction leader Ivan Kyrylenko informed that already today the faction will register a resolution on voluntary dissolution of the parliament. He also informed about further strategy of the faction: "All the time we will come in the session hall and demand voluntary dismissal of the parliament."

At the same time Kyrylenko said the BYuT faction will take part in the voting procedures. "We will work in the hall. Beside, tomorrow is the Day of opposition and we will try to pass our laws," he underlined.

In response to journalists' question whether the idea of voluntary dismissal will be supported by other opposition members, namely Our Ukraine MPs, Kyrylenko said "they are deciding now, but I believe they will support us."

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