MP of Ukraine, member of the Party of Regions parliamentary faction Valeriy Konovaliuk said that adoption of the Law "On the identity documents and documents on citizenship of Ukraine" is a serious breakthrough on the way of obtaining by our country the visa-free regime for citizens while traveling to EU countries and for implementation of the National Action Plan, aimed at European integration of Ukraine.

According to the MP, the document provides a mechanism for introduction of modern instruments, according to all standards and requirements of the European Union, which presence will allow our citizens to travel move actively around Europe.

"The documents defining social status are necessary for an effective accounting system and promotion of social reforms in the country," he told a briefing in the parlliament, ForUm learned in the press office of the Party of Regions.

"I think that this document will contribute in terms of building e-government - this is what the President has repeatedly said," Valeriy Konovaliuk said. However, he expressed hope that it is "the first step toward creating electronic social cards, which will allow not only to order the process of effective social policies, but also to contribute to understanding of how effectively we can continue to use state funds on implementation of different social programs and social assistance."

According to politician, due to adopted law Ukrainian citizens already in the current year will be able to get biometric passports. "This will save them hours of queues at the embassies of foreign countries and from payment of pretty penny for Schengen visas," he said.

"Those who, by their religious beliefs are opposed to the biometric passports, have such a right according to the Law, and the procedure of issuing the relevant documents will be determined by the Government," Valeriy Konovaliuk summed up.

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