Alexander Pylyshenko, a Ukrainian man, who shut himself in a cage with a lioness 35 years ago, has ended his experiment successfully. Alexander owns a private zoo, and he decided to live in one cage with lioness Katia and her two cubs that were born in August.

"I can say that my experiment turned out to be more successful than I thought. Five weeks in one cage with lioness Katia have overturned my conscience. We established absolute confidence with each other. The predator developed human traits and even enjoyed eating my food - soup and fried potatoes. I learned a lot about animal honesty, sincerity and kindness," Pylyshenko told Interfax.

An official representative of the Guinness Book of World Records in Ukraine arrived to register the experiment results and announced that Pylyshenko had bitten the world record of an American, who lived with lions for two weeks.

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