Ukraine carries out consistent steps to improve the legislation and to effectively combat corruption, President Viktor Yanukovych said at today’s meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Committee. 

An important anti-corruption step he called the recent adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Access to Public Information. "I am certain that its consistent implementation will ensure transparent and responsible decision-making," he said. 

In his opinion, one of the steps to implement the government anti-corruption policy effectively will also be the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor’s Office" and "On the Police". "The new Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine is almost ready now, which is being worked on by leading scientists in the country," the President said. 

He also said a working group on the criminal legislation reform will be convened soon with its decisions later submitted to the Venice Commission for opinions on their compliance with the European principles and standards. 

The President said the improvement of the Criminal Code of Ukraine should not be overlooked too. "It is obvious that some economic crimes should be decriminalized by easing liability and introducing the possibility of punishments, not associated with imprisonment," Viktor Yanukovych said. 

President also said the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Prevention and Combating Corruption" requires the President, Government and Ministry of Justice to approve a number of regulations. "We need to approve them urgently," he said.

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