On Journalists' Day, June 6, Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine congratulated representatives of the mass media with their profession holiday.

"On the day of their professional holiday, I wish Ukrainian journalists new opportunities in the implementation of their tasks – hold the standards of journalism up, always be a reliable communicator of the society, inform people about what is going on in the country and the world objectively and truthfully.

Journalism in Ukraine has become a sensitive barometer of the democratic processes, a sanitary that helps cleansing the society of all the adverse phenomena, a significant tool in the fight against corruption.

I am convinced that journalists will remain on the edge of life and make a significant contribution into the reforming of our country. And the government will do everything for further development of press freedom in Ukraine.

I wish good and sound health to all the journalists of Ukraine," Yanukovych said in his congratulation speech.

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