National project “Olympic Hope 2022" is directly dependent on the success of EURO 2012 in Ukraine, President Viktor Yanukovych said at an expanded meeting of the Regional Committee on Economic Reforms.

“If we pass this exam, keep our word, build the infrastructure, host Euro-2012, show the world that Ukraine meets the standard of "five stars of quality" and hospitality, "Olympic Hope 2022” will become a reality. Then, immediately after Euro 2012 we will proceed with “Olympic Hope-2022”," he said. 

Viktor Yanukovych noted that Ukraine, as of today, has caught up with the construction schedule for 2012. "Clearly, the picture of early 2011 was sad and shameful, arousing the feeling that we would disrupt this European holiday. This would be very bad for Ukraine's image," he said, adding that the situation has improved greatly.

Viktor Yanukovych thanked all those, who have been working so hard to make Ukraine meet the schedule of preparation for Euro 2012. "I would like to thank the builders and managers involved in the construction, leadership of the city and the region, the UEFA and Mr. Platini," he said. 

He also praised the contribution of Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure Borys Kolesnikov into the preparations for Euro 2012. 

"Today, we are working together for our common future, the name of which is Five-star Ukraine," Viktor Yanukovych said. 

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