President Viktor Yanukovych has signed the Decree “On Supporting the Initiative to Establish the Constitutional Assembly", presidential press office reported. 

The first session of the Scientific Expert Group to create the Constituent Assembly attended by President Viktor Yanukovych and the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, leading scientists, experts, lawyers-constitutionalists was held. 

The Constitutional Assembly, whose creation had began under the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk and under supervision of President Viktor Yanukovych, will elaborate the new Constitution of Ukraine. 

The draft will be widely discussed in the society, and will be submitted to the Parliament in the status of Presidential Bill. 

The Constitutional Assembly will also be working closely with the Venice Commission. 

"Through stability of the government we will achieve stability in the society; further constitutional changes will contribute to the development of democracy in our country," Leonid Kravchuk said in his opening remarks at the first session of the Scientific Expert Group to create the Constituent Assembly.

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