Opponents to the pension reform should understand that if no changes in the pension system are made, the most affected will be the retired. Thus the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Social Policy Serhiy Tigipko commented on the position of the Communist Party of Ukraine, which categorically refuses to support governmental reforms, including the pension one.

According to Tigipko, the pension reform is aimed at improving lives of pensioners. The official said that if the changes proposed by the government were not implemented now, the retirees could not count on decent pensions in the future.

"People will continue to retire and receive 48% of their salary, that means that one day a person will become half poorer", the Vice Prime Minister said in an interview to Channel 5.

Vice  Prime Minister pointed out that pension in other countries makes 80-90% of the salary, while there are states where retirees receive 100% of salary.

"I know one thing - we need to implement the pension reform because it is the challenge of time for the whole country, for the Ukrainian people", Serhiy Tigipko is convinced.

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