President Viktor Yanukovych  insists that the process of further amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine should be public and open, he stated this in his speech at the Ukrainian Rally of Lawyers on Tuesday.

The president welcomed a decision of the Constitutional Court  of October 1, which declared the changes to the Constitution of 2004 unconstitutional.

"This ensures stability of constitutional order in Ukraine, guarantees constitutional human rights and freedoms, integrity, irrevocability and continuity of the Constitution of Ukraine, its supremacy all over Ukraine," Yanukovych said.

"The court decree was necessary because the political power in Ukraine was not ready to make hard decisions to bring our public governance to conformity with the Constitution of Ukraine.

Now after the promulgation of the court decree our responsibility is greater than ever before.

During the approval of the Constitution in 1996 it was welcomed as ‘perfect Constitution’, which would foster democracy in Ukraine. The development of our state since the adoption of this Constitution has happened owing to this document," the president said in his speech.

Now, according to the president, it is time to begin the process of amending the basic law.

"The constitutional process cannot be politicized. It should unite all layers of the Ukrainian society. Western experts, who helped to draw up a previous version of our current Constitution, should be invited to participate in this process. It should be public and open so that every Ukrainian citizen would understand which changes we are going to make. It will help people make their decision on a final document.

There might be difference of opinion on many issues. Each of us is obliged to take part in discussion without hidden hostility or prejudice, without political convictions, in the mode of creators of the Constitution, which will become a foundation for building new, modern Ukraine," he underlined.

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