A forecast of Ukraine's chief meteorologist Mykola Kulbida that the Crimean peninsula, south of Ukraine, may naturally become an island in the future has made a stir.

The Segodnya newspaper quotes Kulbida as saying that given that global sea level raises by 50 or more centimeters and, respectively, the level of the Black Sea, the Sivash estuary could become a marine strait, and the Crimea - an island.

However, Viktor Tarasenko, the president of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, notes that nothing abnormal is happening: "There is no cause for panic. The processes that Kulbida speaks about do not occur immediately. Theoretically, the Crimea could become an island, but this process under the most unfavorable developments will spread for hundreds of thousands of years".

One way or another, but at the end of this week the most important academic institution in Crimea - Karadag Scientific Station named after Vyazemsky - will hold a closed meeting with academician Borys Paton, the president of the National Academy of Sciences. The agenda includes just the sea level rise.


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