Oleksandr Turchynov, the head of BYuT headquarters, believes that deputies that don’t support the position of the party on whose list they made it to parliament should give up their deputy mandates.

"We don’t have a system of slavery; there are no masters and slaves. There are separate politicians who are free to make their own decisions and be responsible for them. If you no longer share the position of the political force with which you were elected and disagree with the views of tis leadership, then give up your mandate and be free. This, at least, is honest," Oleksandr Turchynov said in an interview with the newspaper Livyj Bereh, acording to Yulia Tymoshenko's official website.

BYuT has already begun to update its party ranks. "We are actively doing party-related work. We’ve already had local level party meetings and are putting together the schedule for municipal and raion meetings. The process of updating our personnel will continue to the oblast and central levels. The clean-up of our ranks is taking place via administrative and organizations ways, and natural – the weak links simply fall off," he explained.

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