The united democratic opposition headed by Yulia Tymoshenko is calling for the urgent consideration of the state budget for 2010.

"We continue to demand that by April 11 there be a government program and budget," said Mykola Tomenko, one of the leaders of BYuT and deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Tymoshenko's website reported.

The parliamentarian stressed that the opposition is doing everything required of it for the draft budget for 2010 to be ready for a vote by the Verkhovna Rada. "We demand that the budget be ready on time and all our deputies will be present at the budget committee meeting to ensure that it is ready for a vote," he added.

Mykola Tomenko also recalled that the budget committee is headed by a member of the coalition, and except for him, nobody from the Party of Regions attended the meetings.

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