On March 26, leader of the united democratic opposition Yulia Tymoshenko will attend a meeting of the opposition government.

"The first official meeting will be on Friday. It will be a public meeting and the press will be invited," Prime Minister of the opposition government Serhiy Sobolev said, Tymoshenko's official website reported.

During its meeting, the opposition government will discuss key aspect of their activities. "The agenda includes the issue of preserving state property, responding to gas transport consortium that the new government wants to create, social payments, and drafting of the state budget," announced the head of the opposition government.

Serhiy Sobolev also stressed that the opposition government will separately review the new government’s appointments, in particular the appointment of Dmytro Tabachnyk as Minister of Science and Education.

The vice prime ministers and ministers of the opposition government will also be presented during this meeting.

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