Prime Minister and presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko doesn’t rule out that Ukrainians will come out to the streets to defend their rights and honest elections.

"The changes to the presidential election law adopted by the Party of Regions threaten democracy and honest elections in Ukraine by making fraud possible. The President’s signature on this law will be a fatal blow to democracy and honest elections in Ukraine," Yulia Tymoshenko said today at a press conference in Kyiv.

Yulia Tymoshenko is confident that the people will be ready to defend their right to elect a president and noted that she will do everything she can to ensure that the elections are honest and transparent.

"I, as a presidential candidate, won’t allow them to return the country to those sad times, when administrative resources, big money and fraud decided elections. If Yanukovych wants an honest fight, we’re ready to compete. If he wants fraud, then we’re ready to give him resistance he’s never seen before, even in 2004," Yulia Tymoshenko said.

She appealed to the President not to sign the changes to the election law and to the global community to assess the new version of the presidential election law.

"And if we can’t protect honest elections in a technical and organized way, we will rally the people. These is no doubt of this," she added.

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