Viktor Yanukovych will lose the second round of elections, given that Yulia Tymoshenko has the potential of securing an addition 25% of voters.

"In the second round, Tymoshenko has a reserve of 25% of voters, which she will get from the democratic candidates. She basically got them in the first round in a dispersed way," said the deputy head of the BYuT faction Serhiy Sobolev.

Meanwhile, Viktor Yanukovych can expect only an additional 3-4% of votes. "These are those measly percentages from his technical candidates – Bohoslovska and Vasia Protyvsikh," he said.

Serhiy Sobolev believes the Party of Regions’ ‘rallies and dancing by the CEC and half a dozen commissioned exit polls’ show that even Viktor Yanukovych’s team is skeptical of his victory.

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