Hryvnia notes at face value Hr 20 and Hr 50 are being often counterfeited in Ukraine although in general the number of bad money has been reduced in the country, the State Service Department for struggle against economic crimes reported comparing data with statistics in 2008, Mignews reported.

"Counterfeiters like these notes because people examine more carefully notes with bigger face value. Among notes that had been seized the number of bad money at face value Hr 10, 5, 2 and 1 reduced. At the same time, counterfeiters have begun to make bad dollars more often. For example, 1,260 notes this year in comparison with 286 dollar notes and 1215 Euro notes this year and 258 notes in 2008. Among counterfeit the number of Russian rubles has been decreased, Segodnya newspaper reports.

Since the beginning of the year law enforcement agents disclosed 22 underground workshops. Mini-enterprises worked in different regions of Ukraine. For example, in the Kyrovohrad Region the group was rendered harmless by means of computers and printers. Frauds had been printing notes at face value Hr 200 and sold of at the filling stations.

Lithuania and Bulgaria are the countries which mostly export counterfeit currency to Ukraine.

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